Adoniram RAM No 552
This year’s October meeting of Adoniram RAM Lodge, No552, unfortunately clashed with a 150th celebration elsewhere in the Province, and so there where a large number of apologizes for the meeting.  One those who had to put in his apology was the Worshipful Commander, WBro Andy Whittle who had been called away on Craft duties in his role as Assistant Provincial Grand Master. 
Gil Smith & Peter Connolly
After a late phone call phone call on the Monday night before the meeting he had managed to secure a substitute Commander to take the helm for the meeting on the 20th.  Members and visitor for the Royal Ark Mariner meeting arrived at Liverpool Masonic Hall on a wet, very wet Friday night.  (It seemed very appropriate for a degree about Noah).
Derek Horrocks, Gil Smith & Peter Connolly
The Lodge was opened on time by the Acting Commander, WB Derek Gaskell.  When the domestic business, which had included a change to the by-laws  to move the October meeting to the fourth Wednesday  of the month; had been completed, it was time to Ballot for a new member.   This proved successful and so the meeting moved into the elevation ceremony.
Roy Hedges, Derek Horrocks, Gil Smith with Peter Connolly & Peter Taaffe
The candidate Bro Gil Smith who is the current Worshipful Master of Tuscan Mark Lodge entered the Lodge and was guided on his journey into Royal Ark Mariner Degree in the safe hands of the Senior Deacon, Bro Bob Povall.  After Bro Smith had taken his obligation he was expertly instructed how to advance to the East by Bro Povall; there he received the secrets of the degree.  It was now the turn of the Wardens to strut their stuff.  First the Junior Warden, Br Peter Taaffe gave an excellent address to the Candidate and this was followed by an equally excellent explanation of the steps by Bro Roy Hedges the Senior Warden.
Commander Elect and Candidate
When the Working Tools had been explained, WBro Derek Gaskell welcomed Bro Gil Smith to Adoniram RAM Lodge on behalf of the Commander, WBro Andy Whittle.  Bro Smith was then welcomed into the degree of Royal Ark Mariner by the Past PGM, RWBo Peter Connolly.  With the ceremony out of the way it was time to elect a Worshipful Commander and a Treasurer. 
Roy Hedges, Gil and Derek Gaskell
With only one nominee for each office, the Acting Commander declared Bro Roy Hedges, Commander Elect and WBro Les Moore, Treasurer Elect.  The Installation meeting will be held on Friday 15th March 2024.  (This is a chance of date due to Good Friday).  WBro Derek Gaskell then closed the Lodge and everyone retired for a rather nice festive board.  We congratulate Bro Roy Hedges on becoming Commander Elect and we also wish Bro Gil Smith many happy years with Adoniram RAM Lodge.

Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell.